Saturday 16 November 2013

Really disappointement is a curseGod helps those,who help themselves. By:Tariq Abrar

The Daily “Udaan” has been inaugurated on 2nd Nov, 2009. For the first time, Perhaps, I had seen the Daily on 5th Dec, 2009 on a newspaper stall. Whereas, it was in its infancy, very few people were familiar with the fact that a newspaper title “Udaan” has started its publication from Jammu. At that time, I was working with a Daily Urdu Newspaper “Taskeen”, one of the oldest newspaper in urdu published from Jammu. In the Taskeen, Sunday is a holiday,being a holiday in Taskeen, I often used to visit my ancestral village “Dhanu” to see my parents, brothers & dear ones. Dhanu, a village 50 km far from Jammu. As usual, I left to my village on Sunday i.e 5th Dec,2009. While proceedings to the Bus stand, I come across a news paper stall, where I had a glimpse of the Daily “Udaan”. I stopped to see the newspaper & purchased it. In the newspaper, not only the news items were interesting but the articles, too were very interesting & were presenting & highlighting the problems of the common masses. On seeing the Daily “Udaan”, I felt that it is  the only newspaper which will emerge as the voice of the poor, down trodden & helpless people.
            While going through the paper, I felt a deep desire to serve, my heart felt that if I could get an opportunity to serve the paper. The basic cause to serve the paper was that in 2007, when I had a chance to appear for an interview in a Daily Urdu namely “Kashmir Uzma” Jammu, at that time I was raw-hand, having no knowledge reporting or  translating even an English press release or an urdu one & that was the only reason that I could not be selected for the said paper. I was a minor & being related to a poor family, I was in search of a job. Not being selected for the paper, I was not disappointed, rather, it encouraged me to face the hardships & difficulties in the day-to-day life. After that I selected a moto that one day I will serve a leading newspaper & to achive this goal I began to build the required capabilities.
            Afterwards, it became a normal routine for me to purchase & go-through to “Daily Udaan”, & became connected to it as a reader. My curiosity to work in “Udaan” also increased as the paper carries news items with the exciting headings & that took on the coloured front & 8th pages, these pages are designated uniquely also. The most thing which a reader feels after reading this paper is that it is the paper which projects healthy Journalism & in real sense represents the public view point. That is the reason, why I became much eager to work with this paper.
            With the passage of time, Udaan became talk of the day. There is hardly only paper in J&K which attained so much popularity in this short period as “Udaan” achieved in the first 6 months of its publication. The paper would have completed its six months of publication that I had to submit a Press Release in this paper. It was regarding a Govt. officer, who had denied employment to my sister being in merit through mal-practices. Though I had published the news items about the said corrupt officer in so many newspapers. But hearing Udaan’s popularity, I felt it appropriate to publish the corrupt practices of the said officer in the Daily “Udaan”.
            I had no knowledge about the proprioter of Udaan & its staff members. I had heared from any one that Jaan Mohd, who was my senior in the Gujjar Bakerwal hostel, is working in the “Udaan”. I got his phone no. from my another friend & immediately called him & introduced my self to him. I told him that “I am Tariq Choudhary, your junior of the Gujjar hostel. I told him that I am a computer operator in the Daily “Taskeen” & has a problem. I want to publish a Press Release in your esteemed paper. Jaan Mohd heared me patiently & told me that I am out of the office & will be there in ten minutes. So, reach our office after ten minutes.
            I took the Urdu typed press release in my hands & reached the office of the Daily “Udaan” . It was 1:00 P.M & there were only two persons in the office. They enquired about my visit. I presented the Press-Release. They told me for sitting & was served with a glass of water. Those two persons wer none other than the Chief Editor Jb. Iqbal Hussain Kazmi & Tanveer Ahmed Khateeb. On seeing the Press-Release Mr.Iqbal Hussain Kazmi asked me that what are you doing? I told frankly that I am a computer operater working with Daily “Taskeeen”. He go through the Press Release & asked about the truth & reality of the problem. I told him that my sister is in the merit list but the corrupt officer is doing injustice with her by appointing an undeserved one. He told me to get the phone no. of said officer & I will help you. I was highly impressed by his sympathy & got the telephone no.Mr.Iqbal Hussain Kazmi contacted the concerned officer & tried to help me but then the selection list was already 3-4 months old. So, my problem could no be solved & the victim could not get justice.
            With the help of Mr.Jaan Mohd a relation was formed with the Daily “Udaan” & I visited the Daily once or twice in a week. May-June 2010,it were the summary days, one afternoon I went to “Udaan” as usual. There Mr.Tanvir tried to examine my typing speed & handed over an article to me. I typed it very well.
            After two weeks when I reached my home Mr.Jaan Mohd rang me & asked that when you are going to join “Udaan”. I replied that when you will tell. He told me join “Udaan” in a day or two. On hearing these word I was over whelmed because I had no idea that so soon I will get an opportunity to serve “Udaan”. On Mr.Jaan Mohd’s commitment, I joined “Udaan” after two or three days. It is pertinent to mention that I joined the Daily “Taskeen” on 16th Oct, 2007 & in June 2010 under the guidance of Mr.Jaan Mohd & leading to healthy journalism of Mr.Tanvir, I joined the Daily “Udaan”, it was the most fortunate day in my life. Now about three years of my serving the “Udaan” are to complete. The experience, which I gained under the guidance of Mr.Iqbal Hussain Kazmi, Jaan Mohd, Tanveer Ahmed Khatib & Betab Jaipuri & other fellows; Bashir Ahmed Malik, Dailawer Hussain, Zahid Bashir, Mohd Shafi, Muzafar Ahmed , Rashid Ahmed & Mohd Arif is an asset to my life. Mr.Jaan Mohd always taught me to have patience & work dedicatedly. Mr.Tanvir Khateeb & Iqbal Kazmi are just like my parents. Mr. Iqbal Kazmi treats me just like his own child. Today if I am in a position of writing an article, it is by the role of Mr.Tanvir Ahmed Khateeb & Jaan Mohd, which I can’t & will not undermine throughout my life. I understand that Mr.Jaan Mohd & Tanveer Ahmed Khateeb never exploited me but I feel that I have took under adventage from them because I have a little patience, which increased under the influence of Mr.Jaan Mohd & Tanveer Ahmeed Khateeb Sahab. I am highly thankful to all the sincere employees of the Daily “Udaan”. I feel that people thanks for the courtesy but I understand that I have no words to express my gratitude to my well wishers of the Daily. I feel that if I fill number of pages to express my gratefulness to Mr.Jaan Mohd & Tanveer Ahmed Khateeb, still it is very low. The Daily “Udaan” has assumed great importance in my life because it taught me the way of living. Today which morality & wisdom I have attained that is the result of the fight of my parents which they fought against poverty, backwardness. Fighting poverty , my parents molded me towards education & never employed me in the domestic work.
            With the help of “Udaan” I have completed two years of my service in the Jammu University as a contractual employee. Mr. Tanveer introduced me to the then HOD of Urdu Deptt. Jammu University Mr.Prof.Shohab Inayat Malik and provided me a chance to serve in Urdu Deptt. Prof. Shohab Inayat Malik is my most favourite teacher, though I did not attend any formal class under his able guidance but having worked under him what I learned, is an asset to my life. Prof. Shohab is such a literary figure in Jammu Province, whose literary activities have been accepted even by his enemies. Prof.Shohab is presently working as Rector (Director) in the Kishtwar Campus of Jammu University, where he continues his literary activities. I like most of the habbits of Prof.Shohab Inayat Malik, of which two are important ; 1. what ever is in his heart, that is clearly visible through his tongue & face. If he is annoyed with anyone, he clearly says to it. I think that for the recognition of a man, there is no body second to him. I work work with Prof.Shohab Inayat Malik whole heartedly. If some mistake is done by me, he never tell about it infront of others, which is an unique quality of Prof.Shohab Malik. If I write an article through out my life express his gratitude, still it is not sufficient. I am highly thankful to my villagers who provided me financial assistance to pursue my studies. I am grateful to Kapil Kohli & Rahul Kohli, who taught me English typing & are instrumental in directing me to load the life in right direction. I am also thankful to the Principal Global Institute Janipur Parshotam Bhardwaj, who advised me to learn Urdu typing. I feel gratitude to Betab Jaipuri, one of the leading poet of Jammu, who rectified my write-ups & turned me to writing. I am highly thankful to Allah, who lead me in my life & showed me the right path & pray to keep me in the company of the above cited persons, under whose guidance I can be able to help the needy. I understand that one should not loose heart & remain always positive, Allah will never disappoint them provided we remember Him with patience & tolerance. I advise the lakhs of fellow unemployeds that not give place to tension in your mind but be positive & try to stand on your feet. Certainly Allah will hep them & they will succeed in their mission.

Mr Jaan Mohd is clear hearted & always works for the betterment of others. He told me that how much salary you expect. I clearly told about the salary which I got from the Daily Takseen. Smilingly, he asked me that if you are interesting to serve in the Daily “Udaan”. Since I was eager to serve in the Daily, I became happy in my heart of hearts but could not answer directly instead told that I will think over it.

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